I recently saw a profile post on Facebook that read something like this... "Sin separates us from God! Be careful what you do!" That remark gave us all enough rope to hang ourelves. Considering who the remark came from I was not in the least surprised by the comment. I used attend church with the person many years ago and the mindset found in this fellowship was riddled with guilt, fear, condemnation and shame over EVERYTHING in life. It didn't take long for me to recognize that fact, and I didn't stick around for deeper indoctrination. Didn't put on the three piece navy blue suit, cut my hair, shave my mustache, subscribe to reading the King James Version only, or drink the Kool-Aid. What I did experience there was a group of loving, sincere, caring people who are afraid to think outside the box of their organization and it's leaders. To do so would be calling fire upon their heads and certain eternal condemnation that not even God himself could help them escape from. Unfortunately, a common dilemma in the kingdom of God everywhere.
So be it. Some people can't live outside the box and seem to be created with a personality that just accepts their lot in life content with what they have or haven't been handed. I'm not that way at all and have often questioned why it's the case. Neither do I believe that this is the kind of "contentment" called for in believers lives according to the New Testament. For years I've believed it might be easier to live in a mindset that doesn't question anything. Period. Especially authority. How easy to just open my mouth and let somebody else take the responsibility to pour in what they believe I must have to live or survive. But for some reason, this has never been a possibility for me. Even though I have truthfully tried to follow such prescriptions. I question everything. I question gladly. And I suffer the consequences of my questioning from the leaders, organizations and even followers who require the kind of blind conformity to be considered as stable and safe among the "family of God." I have even gotten to the point in my life where I lived in remorse and regret for the fact that my personality would not let me just sit back and coast in the fellowship of the unquestioning faithful. But I guess even that inability carries a purpose.
These groups thrive on control. Their organizations have to be fed like stoking a coal furnace in the dead of winter if the climate of desired expectations in measured success will be met. Success being measured in units like, how many people come to church faithfully when the doors are open, or how many give a full ten percent tithe AND more in dutiful offerings, or volunteer to keep the machines programs operational. All the "success" is motivated by and maintained through necessity using fear, guilt, condemnation and shame to keep the humble followers confined to their churches service and financial feeding.
This is done by keeping the concept of the "law of sin and death" ever present and dangling before the terrified eyes of the sheep. Always presenting and representing the notion that their relationship with God is constantly teetering on every little action or infraction to maintain stability. One false move... one missed step... one unintentional slip of the tongue... three absences from church in a four month period... on and on it goes. And because shame is that which is managed by "anointed" leaders, who (like Congress members) stand outside the regulations they require of their flocks, judging, criticism and condemnation becomes the sole core of the consciousness that pervades their circles. Even the followers develop a fine art at learning how to point fingers at those who hit or miss the mark required to remain in good standing with their fellowship.
The fact is, we all fail. We all fall short. We all are rendered helpless in gaining God's favor through our ability and strength or personal uprightness. To recognize this is to see that we need the help of one higher than ourselves. To recognize this truth fully is to come to the realization that our helplessness must render all power to God alone for assistance. This means that our awareness of "sin" is met head on with the fact that God is totally aware of our inability to "do better" or "quit sinning" and has a prescription for the solution when faith alone is brought into the equation to gain relationship.
It's a fact that sin can mess up our lives and circumstances, but it is not the factor that causes our relationship with God to cease to exist as many believe and teach. Sin, because of Grace, is no longer able to get in the way of our relationship with God. Ever hear, "Where sin does abound, grace does much more abound"? Does that mean that we should no longer care about our actions and their outcomes and live as though there are no consequences to anything? Absolutely not! But we are no longer to live in fear of eternal consequences for the earthly offenses we commit that causes us problems throughout the course of life. The Bible is clear in that "After God made that decision of what his children should be like, he followed it up by calling people by name. After he called them by name, he set them on a solid basis with himself. And then, after getting them established, he stayed with them to the end, gloriously completing what he had begun. So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare even point a finger? DO you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! ... not even the WORST SINS LISTED IN SCRIPTURE. None of this phases us because Jesus loves us." (Romans 8. Message Bible)
Rather than remind one another of our faults, sins, stumbling, frailties and offenses with a promise of the curse of the laws just punishment for our failure, we should forever be joyously proclaiming, "WHO CAN SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS!!" This is the good news of reconciliation that we have been called to give witness to until his return.
Unless you are trying to maintain an organization that's having trouble keeping people or getting them to do what you require to run it, there's no reason to continually remind people that sin separates us from God. It doesn't. The fact that we retain FAITH during the course of our lifetime through the best and worst of it all is the necessary power that keeps our hearts filled with grace and our eyes on the prize of eternal life. When we do good... we believe. We we fail... we CONTINUE to believe. Sin is an ever present grinding reality in our fallen human nature. We are always aware of it's presence within. Remember, "where sin does abound, grace does much more abound!" But even through times of sin, FAITH is the VICTORY in Christ Jesus. Not our DOING. Don't be filled with anxiety about what you cannot control. Rest in the promise that God has made a way where there is no way. All because HE LOVES US!
Be honest, don't you wish you could make as many people as possible grasp this reality? Doesn't your heart break over the religious bondage that permeates our churches? Do you ask yourself how to promote the liberty that is only found through faith alone in Christ?
There needs to be a re-telling of the gospel in this generation.
May it start here. With me. And if I can't proclaim with absolute conviction and assurance the words of the Apostle Paul "Who can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus?" as the foundation for all other things to be built upon, I have nothing to offer but more religious rope to hang ourselves with.
Drink deeply.
Monday, March 29, 2010
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