Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Unfounded Expectancy

In my thirty-five plus years of ministry I have come to the conclusion that the greatest potential for sidetracking a believer from the “sacred path” is when simple trust/faith in God's promises start to become overshadowed and replaced by the keeping of religious laws, rules and regulations. This causes trust/faith to be exchanged for an unfounded expectancy that God will reward our works with the blessings that faith alone provides. Not to mention, this confidence in our capability and strength creates a greater sense of FEAR that we will be punished according to our sins and failures when we miss the mark. And will we ever miss it.
Galatians 5:2,4 (Amplified) "...for if you distrust Him, you can gain nothing from Him. If you seek to be justified and declared righteous and to be given a right standing with God through the Law, you are brought to nothing and so separated (severed) from Christ. You have fallen away from grace - from God's gracious favor and unmerited blessing." Sounds to me like Paul was clearly addressing the fact that the capacity to reach our potential gets fully short-circuited when we seek to please God by following any kind of "law" as a means of gaining His approval, favor, blessing, and provision of salvation.
This is certainly one of the MOST practiced and required pitfalls in Christendom, that carries the greatest approval rating among religious brethren and peers, but the Bible seems to imply that God "cuts the umbellical cord" when we take these measures.
Isn't it odd that Paul was not telling the Galatians that their "sins" were getting in the way of their relationship with God, (for there is a provision for sin) but that keeping the law (which IS holy) rather than trusting God's promise to justify the wicked was the culprit for their demise? No provision for that. How can the law help us when the Bible declares metaphorically that we've died to it and married another? Great food for thought...
In our lack of understanding, we continue embracing religious notions insisting that the law be upheld and practiced to "maintain" righteousness. But, mind you, not the whole of the law, (as required by God for those who insist it be followed (Gal. 5:3) but "selective enforcement" of hand-picked rules and laws that appeal to our sense of morality and uprightness. Even new laws have been created and put in place that was never a part of the original intent of the churches founding requirements. Weren't there enough laws given through Moses without trying to heap some other mans requirements upon them?
Do you want to live your potential to its maximum? Walk daily according to the leading of the Holy Spirit and follow the cardinal "law" of LOVE. (God and neighbor as yourself.)
Quit following Judaic laws, rules and regulations, and put your faith wholly in the one (Jesus) who has the capacity to help you.
By holding fast (in faith) to the "HEAD" (Christ) you will grow with a growth that is from God. (Col.2:19) Counting on God to bless your rigorous intensity to please Him by keeping rules, laws and rituals will only end in frustration and defeat. Haven’t we had enough of that in life? Let’s get on with real living and let faith stand on it’s own as the means of embracing all the goodness that God has to offer in this life and the next.
Let faith take hold of the sufficiency that grace provides.
Then take a sigh of relief and drink deeply.
You are so loved.

1 comment:

  1. I love your posts, and look forward to all of them. They speak a truth that has been hidden from so many ppl for way to long. Doctrine is mans law - not Gods. If ppl would shake off the chains that bind them to the law man has created in God's image, they would see how much they are truly loved.

    i love you
