Consider the fact that the Law was GIVEN (according to
Paul's writing in Romans) BECAUSE of TRANSGRESSION, providing full expression of
human sinfulness in light of God's righteousness. It wasn't intended to be the
"righteous standard" for us to try and live by, creating favor with God... because we can't.
The law had no power to impart righteousness or favor with God, or the power to uphold its decrees, only
to expose our sinfulness and the corresponding condemnation and punishment. Which is
why the Old Testament is FULL of accounts that testify from God's perspective about the
reality of how BAD the human heart actually is... Paul merely
repeated what the Old Testament said in Romans 3 when he was setting up the story
of WHY the Gospels' provision is so desperately needed by humanity in general. "There
is NONE righteous... no not ONE... NO ONE IS GOOD... No one seeks God... not
even ONE. “ It gets worse as you read on, but the truth of the matter is, if we
don't grasp the reality of "how bad we are" we will never clearly see the need for mercy and grace as the antidote for our own
self-destructive condition. Neither will we be able to fully appreciate the free gift
and exchange of the perfect sinless Christ as the substitute. However, once we are IN
THE FOLD, tables turn and we are to be ever reminded of the life
and righteousness that has been eternally imparted into our being by God's
provision. And, although I no longer see myself as a mere "sinner," I try
to remain humble before God due to the fact that I still have a problem with
sin in my life. We ALL do. Anyone who says they don't is essentially a LIAR.
Until we cast off this body of flesh, we will have an ever-present reminder of
our humanity being slaves to sin.
When reading the Gospels in light of the question,
"What offends Jesus?" one quickly comes to understand that
religious zeal, prompted by a deep self-righteous mind-set pretty much tops the
list. Self-righteousness is often founded upon the false notion that we are inherently "good" and only lacking in being educated
enough to modify any behaviors that are standing in the way of moral
superiority. And when we DO modify our behaviors in this light... we take pride
in our actions, lifestyle, etc. and lose ALL touch with the fundamental need
for God's love, mercy and grace. (More often than not we excuse our upsetting behaviors with self-justifying reasons that don't even soothe our own conscience.) We begin to assume that we can
"bargain" or "cut deals" with God because of our “proven goodness"
(which is never the case). In other words, WE believe we can determine and
measure and judge the standard of our performance, and hold God accountable for
corresponding rewards and blessings. This attitude and understanding proves our
total blindness to the very condition that stands between God and us.
HOWEVER... Rom 5:5 says, "But to one
who not working (by Law) TRUSTS in Him Who JUSTIFIES THE WICKED, his faith is
credited to him as righteousness-the standing acceptable to God." So I
frequently remind myself not only of who I am trusting in, but of the fact that
faith is vital in the equation, causing God to PASSOVER my wickedness and call me
We have a tendency to "neuter" the Gospel by
forgetting to make the point that "someone had to DIE on OUR
behalf..." Coming to that realization is most difficult and often
shocking. "Churched" people take it for granted, AND there is such a
common lethargy in the church world today because the truth HAS been
essentially "neutered." Social club mentality in today’s churches
can't afford such negative language. There is a reason for that...
I find that an "I'm OK, you're OK" presentation has become so very
pervasive within the spiritual landscape, common to today’s pop theology. The
presentation of the Gospel is serious business. People have died throughout the
last several thousand years for being fearless to speak to individuals or large
demographics about the reality of human depravity and spelling out scripturally WHY we need to be saved. I will stick to my guns on this matter... if we don't
know why we need to be saved, or what we need to be saved from (always within
ourselves)... we will never value grace, much less the penalty Christ paid to
make it available. We have exchanged a Biblical "world view" for
something trendy, cool, socially acceptable, politically-correct, comfortable,
non-threatening and undemanding. All of this renders us neutered of
spiritual power. And we wonder why? Considering that fact, does God still love us? You bet... enough to save
us from the dangers of what dwells within every heart... even mine. I, for one, know fully well how bad I am... like the old hymn "Come Thou Fount" says... "Prone to wander, Lord I feel it!” But I'm also FULLY aware of the ONE IN WHOM I TRUST in spite of the wickedness I've laid at His feet. The devil in Mr. Jones doesn't scare God in the least. Actually, God is very familiar with that element in all of us and has sworn by an oath that it will never be held to our account... we walk free. No guilt, no shame, and no condemnation. Who could ask for anything more?
Drink deeply...
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