Monday, February 10, 2014

Effortless Christianity

Recently, I've been seeing articles and blogs and comments about those crazy "grace people" who believe in "effortless Christianity." It's always negative and rife with warnings about the slippery slopes we are teetering on as we place more and more of our confidence in Christ as the sole means of finishing the good work God began in us. Although I've never heard tell of "effortless" Christianity, and it is not the way things are believed among those I fellowship with,  I am WELL AWARE of denominations, groups and preachers that try and place everything written in the scriptures as "imperative" if we will be TRULY saved. This is what I lived under for so many years. Believing, or faith, itself, was never enough in such circles to accomplish anything of lasting or eternal value. Everything that was necessary to be accomplished was going to be as much by the sweat of our brow as the curse God placed on Adam after sending him out of the garden. The more recent enlightenment on grace has helped me to become free from such strangling notions, and rightfully divide that which is TRULY IMPERATIVE from what isn't.

So, I can fully understand why it may appear to some that I have declined into a more relaxed approach to the Christian faith, and why it threatens their vital need to be in control of ensuring that every step stays on target. I’m sure it seems to some I have formerly been in fellowship with that I’ve jumped off the deep end and am "doing nothing" by comparison to the way they saw my rigorous spiritual life and practice in previous days, but that's OK. I now see things through a different lens. Let's face it, the more I relinquish control and hand over to the Lord for doing and completing, the less work I have. I guess you could say, it's becoming more effortless. On the flipside, however, I see lots of fear, anxiety, instability, superstition and unbelief even in those that were regarded as "pillars" in the circles I once attended. Because I no longer subscribe to their ways and means of faith and practice, I'm the one who needs serious prayer. And so it goes...

I've changed... but that is what this life, this journey, is also about. Some people proudly lay claim that their doctrines and belief systems haven't changed in 40 years. Really? That's more frightening to me than people leaving a more legalist and works-driven approach to a more “effortless” one. At least people, like me, are ASKING QUESTIONS about what they have been taught and testing the ropes according to what's clearly written in the scriptures. If you want the truth, I have a greater admiration for people who are willing to take that risk than for those who try and live safely within the confines of trusting their traditions, unchallenged doctrines, and rigorous self-EFFORT, never even peeking to see what is thriving outside the doors of their four walls. Christianity has never been based upon our efforts for success, or maintaining grandma's "old-time religion." It is based upon faith. Faith alone in the solid foundation of Christ alone. I'll take another cup of the "effortless" Christianity, thanks! Goes down pretty smooth, and satisfies to the last drop. Yessir!
Drink deeply.

A Little Dab'll Do Ya... Till the Next Application. Only for Styling Gel!

God's love is not served out in increments based upon the good you have done, are doing, or will do. It is given to us UNDESERVINGLY, richly, lavishly and based solely upon the perfect good that Jesus accomplished by fulfilling God's purpose on our behalf. By simple faith ALONE in this fact, we become the recipients of every good and perfect gift, every inherited blessing and every promise for everlasting life that was given to... Jesus first. The worry is left behind, the fear is gone, and anxiety is over. Anything that unsettles us in this matter is brought to an end. God's promise of assurance to us is given (Hebrews 6) with an OATH which he makes with HIMSELF, therefore it cannot be broken because of a LACK or INSUFFICIENCY on our part to strike an everlasting deal with him. So, by giving us his PROMISE and his OATH, we can understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE for God to prove false and deceive us. He SWEARS to give us mighty indwelling strength and encouragement for the HOPE set before us. And this HOPE is a STEADFAST ANCHOR for our SOUL - IT CANNOT SLIP OR BREAKDOWN UNDER WHOEVER steps out upon it. This hope REACHES FURTHER AND ENTERS INTO THE VERY CERTAINTY OF THE PRESENCE where Jesus, himself, has entered before us... and remains our Mediator and High Priest forever. Faith in Christ ALONE makes us wholly and eternally HIS...
This IS the GOOD NEWS! You are LOVED. That simple...

Oh, Hell!

I am often saddened by Christians who are bent on preaching about "hell" as a method of bringing people into the "kingdom" or putting enough fear in their hearts and minds to "keep them there." There is NO "good news" in it. Jesus did speak of hell often, but until you thoughtfully consider the PEOPLE he was speaking to and the MOTIVE behind it... you will NEVER grasp the WHY of his references to this topic. Jesus was SENT, first and foremost, as the Messiah to the Jewish people to FULFILL the Law's requirements and free them from the condemnation of the covenant it established between them and God. While many in his day were well aware of the law and it's demands, they were also rather self-assured that their ability to KEEP the whole of the law was "do-able." Jesus made it clear that not committing the sins listed IN the law was insufficient in God's eyes for righteousness... because the HEART of mankind was what God could see and judge that we often can't see in ourselves, much less the hearts of others. The law offered only the mirror for the sins of man, and the Jews were chosen to represent that truth to the world. Jesus spoke much of "hell" to express the foolishness of believing that any man had the capacity and sufficiency to stand under the laws PROOF of our sinfulness, and therefore clearly established the fact that condemnation was the ONLY end for our USING the law as a means for righteousness. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The talk of hell was not meant as a threat, but as a way to enlighten those with eyes to see and ears to hear that our insufficiency should be glaring and DRIVE us toward the loving MERCY of God, which is the reason and purpose of his being given to the world... To maintain confidence in their own ability to uphold the law would cause them to miss the GREATEST gift of provision that God sent for their own demise according to the laws decrees. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. Our confidence is in God's love and mercy and grace... not our ability to walk uprightly in hopes that we will be eternally rewarded for our own works. Christians... hell is not our home... the Holy Spirit IN YOU is the down payment that everything God has promised AND PAID FOR by the blood of the Messiah, will be faithfully completed. Believe it!

Drink deeply.